
Coaching & Mentoring


Let's Get Started


Develop Yourself, Your Career, Your Business

Leadership Coaching

Business Coaching

Personal Coaching

Together We Will

  • Jump start the process towards your goal and get you a healthy motivational boost
  • Highlight your awareness of your blocks and come up with strategies for you to overcome them
  • Focus on your strengths and how you will play to them
  • Feel positive and dynamic about taking up the challenge
  • Work out a realistic strategy and timeline for change, and follow it up
  • Recognise how to sustain long-term, lasting benefits
  • Turn daydreams into reality, have fun doing so, and celebrate your successes!

Examples of Past Projects

  • Career transition and change management
  • Starting and/or growing your business
  • Expat integration and trans-cultural lifestyles
  • People with corporate careers or considering building/leaving one
  • A big career goal and /or big career decision to make
  • Vision, strategy and legacy. Life, business and exit planning

" Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now. "

- Goethe -


Minna Ekblom

  • Highly qualified and experienced individual and corporate coaching professional
  • Specialisation in international affairs, entrepreneurship and management of complexity
  • Extensive hands-on experience in developing brand-enhancing strategies for top tier luxury goods enterprises leading to sustainable growth and market positioning
  • Twenty-five years of personal and professional multi-cultural experience gained by living and working in Paris, New York, London, Helsinki and Geneva
  • Deep understanding and proven track record in managing cross-cultural and expatriate related challenges and individual and organisational issues
  • Fluency and capacity to work and interact with clients in Finnish, English, Swedish and French
  • Trained in teleclass, group and phone coaching
Minna Ekblom
Coach U

Book your complimentary introductory chemistry session now!

Contact Me For Your Free Session


"Ulkoistimme Minnalle Pohjois-Amerikan toimipisteessämme toimivan koko yrityksemme markkinointiviestinnän avainhenkilömme perehdyttämisen ja coachauksen puoleksi vuodeksi, vuonna 2016. Investointimme ja koko prosessi osoittautuivat erittäin tulokselliseksi: tavoitteenasetanta, jatkuva tuki ja tulosten ja kehityksen seuranta johtivat vain muutamassa kuukaudessa kyseisen funktion struktuurin ja prosessien yksinkertaistumiseen, henkilön itsenäiseen ja määrätietoiseen roolinsa omaksumiseen, minkä seurauksena työnteko tehostui merkittävästi ja tulokset vastasivat tavoitteita ja odotuksia ja investointimme tuotti toivotun ROIn . Haluan vilpittömästi suositella Minnaa coachina ja valmentajana; hänen metodinsa ja oma vankka osaamisensa ja kokemuksensa kansainvälisellä kentällä toimi ja näin myyntiorganisaatiolle ja johdolle jäi aikaa keskittyä omaan työhönsä."

Jaakko Elovaara

CEO, Youredi Ltd., Global

"I worked with Minna, on several objectives that had always been impossible to achieve before. Thanks to her wonderful guidance, expertise and skills, I was able to reach these goals, and they literally changed my life. Her coaching technique is excellent and very effective, and her lovely character and personality made each session an absolute pleasure. Her technique helps you find solutions to your problems and objectives and her support and tools help you achieve them. Since I did the coaching with her I have found that I have integrated the tools and techniques she helped me with, and use them still today. I highly recommend Minna, as a coach, as she truly is an expert and professional as well as a very lovely person."

Victoria O'Hana

Director of Red Carnation Hotels, Geneva

"Minna helped our organization immensely by coaching us through the challenges of internal restructuring. Her relevant experience, incisive intelligence, genuine compassion and natural wisdom are all hugely beneficial tools sure to aid individuals and organizations alike -- we cannot recommend her highly enough!"

Megan D. Gray Paterson-Brown

Chairwoman, Chance for Change, registered charity, Geneva/Ethiopia/Global

"When I first contacted Minna I wasn't really sure what coaching involved, if or how it could be of use to me, or what I was even looking to work on in my life. Minna was undaunted by my lack of clarity or direction, and quickly put me at ease by helping me work through some very fundamental exercises which are key to personal development. It's not often that we take the time to identify and work through our values, needs, goals and so on. With Minna's great support, patience and expertise, I was able to look inward using a very constructive approach. This allowed me to take stock of where I'm at with my life, and more importantly, to identify where I want to be and how to get there."




If you are serious about achieving results, contact me today and let's arrange an initial exploratory consultation:
